Commander: Bruce Conklin
Adjutant: Bob Brookes
Sr. Vice Commander: Sean Finley
Jr. Vice Commander: Ron Weitman
Finance Officer: Greg Ashendorf
Chaplain: Bob Cummings
Judge Advocate: Vacant
Service Officer: Mike Vokes
Sgt. At Arms: Jim Flynn
Board of Directors:
Ed Conlin
Brian Conklin
Joe Arrison
Canteen Managers: Bill Prelle, Shelly Teesdale
Legion Auxiliary
President: Kay Brookes
Sr. Vice President: Donna Finley
Secretary: Elaine Kasavage
Treasurer: Eileen Cummings
Chaplain: Barbara Hays
Historian: Tracey Levine
Sergeant of Arms: Liz McCloskey
Sergeant of Arms: Amy Thompson
Sons of the American Legion
Commander: Chuck Phraner
Adjutant: Paul Wehner
Finance Officer: Tom Cheeseman
Sr. Vice Commander: Ed Hays
Jr. Vice Commander: Mike O’Leary
Chaplain: Jerry Williamson
Sgt. At Arms: Mike Kennedy
Sgt. At Arms: Brian Leister